10 Tips To Get Free Organic SEO Traffic To Your WordPress Website
It is never easy to build traffic to your website, especially if you are using free organic channels. However, it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. If you know how to use WordPress effectively, you can promote your website easily even if you are using free channels. If you want to know the secret behind this, below are some of the simple tips from PurpleFruit Geeks that will help you.
Unique and High Quality Contents
Well, if you are posting copy-paste articles that are not even grammatically correct and not informative, you won’t get anywhere. When it comes to WordPress SEO, this is the most important part because this is where your traffic will come from.
Hyperlink your Keywords
When it comes to SEO, hyperlink really makes sense. You can put your website directly, but search engines prefer the use of keywords. Just link your website to those keywords and it will work wonders for you.
Titles and Keywords
Always remember that the title of your Article is the most significant part of WordPress SEO. Use engaging titles, but never forget to
Tagging Posts in WordPress
Put your keywords. Keep it natural and do not force the keywords on the title because it might affect the quality. If you mentioned something on a blog post that you already discussed from another blog post, tag it. There’s nothing wrong with tagging your posts to your own blog. People will easily navigate through your blog if you do this.
Always Use WordPress Excerpts
For every post that you make, always include an excerpt and put it as a short summary for your articles.
The Comments on your Posts
In Search Engine Optimization, comments are vital because if your posts have a lot of relevant comments, the search engines will see that post as very important or higher value. This is a good start for your blog and your website.
Keep your Website Simple
We all want to have good looking websites, but it does not mean that you will put a lot of unnecessary designs on the page. When it comes to Search engine optimization, blogs and websites that are faster to load and easier to navigate is better than websites that look like a gaming page.
Use JetPack
JetPack is actually a WordPress plug-in and it is essential because it packed with share buttons, URL shorteners and more that you can use with your SEO campaign.
Keep Social Networks Updated
If you are not into social media, then your blog will never get anywhere. You must have share buttons on every post and share them on a regular basis.
Using Photos, Maps and Others
Photos are vital because they also add value to your posts. A post without an image looks dull and boring so if you want people to read your articles, put a good image.
As always any questions please comment, tweet, call or emails any time, the PurpleFurit Geek is always happy to help out.
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