PurpleFruit offer a totally free of charge, no obligation review. The perfect opportunity for a potential client to see exactly how we work.
It also gives us the information we need to really guarantee we can deliver results.
Your Free SEO Review will include:
Focusing on the right keywords is truly the recipe for success.
Unlike our competitors who exclusively focus on getting top results, PurpleFruit would rather target keywords which focuses on increasing your profit and bottom line not just more page views.
We ask our customer to provide a small number of “seed” keywords. These are key phrases and words that obviously relate to what your potential customer may type into Google. These seed keywords help us to create a larger list. With this we can look at the search volume for each keyword and how much muscle your competitors have.
Once you have been sent your free SEO review pack you will have detailed insider information on your competition, you will understand the changes needed to capitalize on results and the best way to move forward.