PurpleFruit Marketing

Google reacts to Yahoo’s search market increase

Google reacts to Yahoo’s search market increase

Google caught a case of the green eyed monster by turning a little aggressive when encouraging Firefox users to return to their old search engine in Mozilla’s Firefox 34 browser.

They tweeted a link instructing users to the download page allowing them to switch back to their original browser settings with Google.

Additionally, when Firefox users find themselves on the Google homepage, they will be delivered an abrupt call to action stating “Get to Google even faster. Make Google your default search engine.”

This evident tactical tactic was put into action shortly after the announcement in December 2014 that Mozilla was bringing its 10 year relationship with Google to a bittersweet end. Google has been recently replaced with Yahoo as its default Firefox 34 search engine across the US.


Yahoo raking in the $$$$$$ in the US

In December 2014 it was evident to see that Yahoo had gained solid ground and had more than caught up with Google in the US almost straight after the deal was made.

Additionally, Yahoo increased from 10.37% to 10.88% in January 2015, and Google decreased by 0.51% in the same time period.

It’s clear for everyone to see that the Firefox deal with Yahoo has had a crushing impact on Google as it’s no coincidence that Yahoo was able to post its highest US monthly share for 5 years after the agreement, following months of continuous losses.

However, Google remains the default search engine across the United Kingdom.

Yahoos UK share in January 2015 is currently down by 0.11% as it sits at 3.8% with Bing who are in second place and trail Google who are still in great command of over 88.23% including their 0.15% fall in the last month.

In regards to the developments in the US and how many people will return to Google, time will only tell if they will look to reinforce their position in the UK by offering a deal with Mozilla to remain as their default search engine.

Although these results have evidently bruised Googles ego, there are no signs of relinquishing its majority, in simple terms, meaning it remains important to optimise your site whether or not its onsite content or marketing campaigns.

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